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Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) is an oral anabolic androgenic steroid derived from the anabolic steroid Nandrolone. Specifically, this is a structurally altered form of Nandrolone. Cheque drops exist by adding a methyl group to the 7th and 17th position of the Nandrolone hormone. The added methyl group at the 7th position increases the hormone’s androgenicity and prevents the action of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. The added methyl group at the 17th position protects the hormone’s oral ingestion. This classifies Cheque Drops as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid.

The slight alterations made to the Nandrolone hormone gives us one of the most potent and powerful androgens ever made and even one that is quite anabolic. Upjohn literature has stated Cheque Drops to be 5.9 times more anabolic than testosterone and 2.5 times more potent as an androgen. However, functionally it may appear to be even more androgenic, but its anabolic power is almost never seen.

Cheque Drops carry a half-life of approximately 3 hours. It is also such a powerful steroid it’s one of the only steroids that’s taken in doses of micrograms rather than milligrams. The steroid is normally taken 30-40 minutes prior to an event or training.


15x2capsules in a sealed pouch.







Dosage & administration:

Half life

3 hours

Dose (male)

250mcg to 1000mcg per administration

Cheque Drops

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